hFE is a transistor parameter that denotes its gain ratio.This is also called β So if you see a bipolar transistor hFE, gain, or β, it's the same item referenced with different terms. In technical terms, hFE for a transistor is the gain ratio of the col...
Unlike the American EIA JEDEC (and to their credit) the Japanese EIAJ took the time to categorize various transistors. For JEDEC, as an example, the 2N prefix does not allow any definition of category, so a 2N4401 is NPN, 2N4403 is PNP, 2N7002 is N-FET, a...
Both the previous UDZ and the present UDZS family of zener diodes are in the SOD-323 (UMD2) package. The dimensions, physical shape, and markings are the same. The difference is in the internal construction. The UDZ series employed a wire-bond constructio...