EHD Cross Reference Template
Posted by - NA - on 21 April 2009 05:30 PM

File must be populated prior to submission of a cross reference request. Please be sure to specify whether package and pin compatible recommendations (i.e. drop-in replacements) are necessary or if functional equivalents are acceptable. Also, a due date should be included with the submission such that EHD staff members can prioritize workload accordingly.

Please revise the File Name accordingly with the last name of the sales manager in charge of the program:

Manager: (First Name) (Last Name)
Customer: Sales Rep of DigiKey
Date of Submission: March 26, 2014
(Given) RFC_Manager_Customer_YY-MM-DD.xlsx

RFC_(Last Name)_DigiKey_14-03-26.xlsx

 template - rfc_manager_customer_yy-mm-dd.xlsx (18.33 KB)
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